Va invitam la cea de-a patra ediție a Microsoft Tech Day
Te invităm să afli mai multe despre sesiunile din fiecare zi şi să te înscrii la cele care reprezintă interes pentru tine. Participând vei putea să descoperi tehnologii de ultimă oră ce stimulează noua generație de #Apps, #Data, #AI şi #Security.
Înregistrează-te acum și nu rata sesiunile tehnice aplicate ce te vor ajuta să ÎNVEȚI cum să construieşti soluții în moduri inovatoare, să te CONECTEZI cu experți din domeniu și să EXPLOREZI noi tehnologii prin experiențe interactive.
Microsoft Tech Day #AppInnovation
11/24/2020 2:00 PM
Highlights Day 1
- Be ready for an in depth app modernization demo from zero (legacy app) to cloud native with Radu Vunvulea, Group Head of Cloud @Endava
- Diego Assencio, Solutions Engineer @GitHub, will showcase how to save precious time and energy when writing code by eliminating the problem of setting-up a development environment and start doing what you love most: writing code
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Microsoft Tech Day #Data #AI
11/25/2020 2:00 PM
Highlights Day 2
- Learn from Ciprian Jichici how to empower data science teams with tools that make developing custom models easier than ever with the help of Azure Machine Learning new capabilities.
- Andreea Pleșea from Druid and Bogdan Dodu from IT Assist will demo and provide insights on how to build bots in Romanian language & showcase voice-driven UX for next-gen enterprise applications.
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Microsoft Tech Day #Security #Management
11/26/2020 2:00 PM
Highlights Day 3
- Paula Januszkiewicz, CEO @CQURE, will place you in a hacker’s shoes and perform all the activities they would do to better understand the threats. Find out if there is a weakness right now in your IT security system and how to protect your infrastructure properly.
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